“棒”字解为“竹”加“高”“一”,“竹”即竹子,“一”指第一,“高”指高度,合起来指的是射箭项目中的用竹子做成的箭。古人很早就学会了射箭的技能,而古代的箭是用竹子做的。 古代奥运会十三个比赛项目中就包含射箭项目,中国是在唐朝时期开始参加奥运会的,在1982年的印度新德里举行的亚运会上第一次把射箭列入正式的比赛项目,并制定了竞赛规则。 我查了一下资料,亚洲射箭协会的网站上有关于“The Ancient Olympic Games and Archery”的文章【1】,文中提到: “In ancient times the archer was one of the most respected and admired of all athletes. To the Greeks, he was a hero, for without him, mankind would never have survived. He is constantly depicted as young, handsome and very often more than human in height… In fact, so highly valued were the archers that they were exempt from military service. The Spartan law-code, Draco’s Code of Laws, stated that any man who was not able to shoot with a bow could not be a soldier……(Ancient) writers are full of praise for the archer and his skill. Homer refers to him several times, using the word ‘archerai', which means ‘the great archer;‘ the most famous of these references occurs in The Odyssey, where a beautiful goddess offers herself to a mortal man——a hunter——if only he can hit an arrow on target with his bow and send it flying through the air……
Aristophanes, playwright of old Athens, said that if we didn't have the archer, we wouldn't know how to hunt or defend ourselves, so he should always be dressed in silver and gold. Plato went even further, saying that the archer was the only one worthy of being called a real man(《理想国》)……”(译文引用自谷歌翻译) 古代的奥林匹克运动会将射箭列为正式的田径项目之一,并且深受人们的喜爱、尊重和羡慕。